SPA cups used for mineral water drinking is old tradition in Europe. Story of one collection
There are old traditions in balneological (SPA) resorts all over the world use mineral water. Very popular are mineral water drinking cures. Especially strong traditions in this medical field are in Europe. Resorts are not only springs, thermas, spa hotels, rehabilitation centers or other infrastructure but also resort traditions, events, special goods, souvenirs etc.
About Me
With a master's degree in biology and a specialization in human and animal physiology and a MBA in Strategic Tourism Management, working in Jurmala city gave me the opportunity to study health resorts, natural healing resources, and health and medical tourism. As a result, the competences have been useful both in lobbying the development of the industry and in academic work, and the hobby is also connected with it. Last ten years I am working as the professional guide ( and lecture for several high schools in Latvia.
About my SPA cups collection
There are old traditions in the Balneological Health Resorts or SPA Resorts all over the world use mineral water. Very popular are mineral water drinking cures. Especially strong traditions in this medical field are in Europe. Resorts are not only healing springs, thermal water, spa hotels, rehabilitation centers or other infrastructure but also resort traditions, events, special goods, souvenirs etc.

In 19th century for mineral water drinking was designed special form tight glasses and cups with hole in loop for siping. Some doctor explained that slow, dozen drinking is more effective because diffusion of mineral water starts in a mouth. Another explanation is created probably by dentists. As concentration of chemical elements is high special form of cup loop forward water to throat escape teeth. But more believable is explanation that such form of cup is useful to walk around and drink the healing water. Such special cups sometime glasses have been made from different materials (stone, glass, china etc), in different forms and shapes and the geography of cups are wide from Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) in Czech Republic till Essentuki (Caucasus, Russia). Interesting examples are from Germany, Finland, England, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Portugal, etc. The oldest cups in collection are from beginning of XX century and in some resorts such spa cups are widely used until now days.

In my collection are more than 800 different cups traveling as an exhibition. The first time collection was exposed 2005 in Jurmala City Museum ( Latvia). Later it was exposed in Baldone, Liepaja, Cesis, Kandava, Krimulda, Slutiski Old Believers farm, Lutrini parish library, rehabilitation center "Jaunkemeri" , SPA hotel "Pegasa pils". Also in Druskininkai ( Lithuania) municipal museum and SPA hotel "Vilnius SPA" and Parnu ( Estonia). German Health Resorts hosted exhibition - Bad Schwalbach, Bad Shmiedeberg, Bad Doberan, Bad Salzuflen , Bad Rappenau. In Russia Hilovo and Sestroreck Health Resorts.
Why so specific cup design
Drink slowely
The healing mineral water should be drunk slowly following the recommendations of the attending physician.
More safe to use when walking
Mineral water is drunk before eating by filling a cup at the spring and going to the place of eating. It is much safer and more convenient to go and suck than to drink.
Save the color of teath
Mineral water is water that contains organic and inorganic substances and gases. Iron-containing water affects the color of tooth enamel.
Fun for Children
If mineral water contains sulfuer or another smelling chemical elements it is not easy tom feed it to children. Than through the game using these cups it is possible.
What media is writing about this Collection
Here are just a few of the resonance of the exhibition of the collection in the foreign press.
Muuseumis näeb tasside näitust
Eile avas Pärnu muuseumi valges saalis oma suveniirtasside näituse "Traditsioonide jõud" Läti kollektsionäär Armands Muiznieks. Kutsetööna turismiarendamise ja tervislike eluviiside propageerimisega tegelev Muiznieks ütles näituse avamisel, et tal on hea meel tuua näitus just Pärnusse siinsete kuurortide 170. aastapäevaks. "Eesti päritolu tasse minu kogus pole, aga tean, et siingi on mineraalveed au sees," lisas ta. Näitusel saab näha mitutsada spetsiaalselt kuurortides ravimineraalvee joomiseks disainitud tassi, mis pärinevad suuremas osas kuulsatest Kesk-Euroopa, Ukraina ja Kaukasuse kuurortidest. Kollektsionäär peab kõige armsamaks just Baltimaade mineraalvete joomiseks tehtud tasse, aga ka oma esimesi kogusse ostetud kruuse, mis kutsuvad tervisevetele kõigile tuntud Karlovy Varysse. (A. Markson
Красиво пить не запретишь
Курортные кружки со всей Европы обосновались сейчас в санатории «Хилово». В здравнице открылась выставка коллекционера, историка курортологии, лектора латвийских вузов Армандса Муйжниекса. Каждый ее экспонат - это отдельная история. Самая дорогая кружка стоит порядка 100 евро, а самая старая датируется 1881 годом. Армандс оберегает их как собственных детей, ведь чтобы собрать такую непревзойденную коллекцию, ему пришлось потрудиться. (08.12.2015 13:51 Псковская Лента Новостей, Псков)
Exhibitions in Germany
In the Year 2008- 2009 collection was exposed in Germany. Thanks to my friends Christiane Landua and Karl Heinz Landua, Gunta Uspele and Alise Landsberga and Girts Brambergs and support of local municipalities there was exhibitions in Bad Swalbach, Bad Doberan, Bad Rapenau, Bad Salzuflen and Bad Shmiederberg.
Call for a cooperation!
If you are interested in the collection or want to exhibit it, we can always agree when and on what terms. This is not a commercial project, but aimed at educating people and preserving history and traditions. Welcome!
Promote traditions of mineral water drinking
Make publicity for Your organisation or tourism destination
Excellent way of PR
Synthesis of Art and Innovations
Keep history alive
To help people improve Health
If You have Interest for a cooperation or have any question please contact me:
SMS, Watsapp, Viber: +371 29218560
[email protected]
All photos and videos belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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